About Us

When asked if he could sum up his life's message Ram Dass replied:    

I help people as a way to work on myself,
and I work on myself to help people...
To me, that's what the emerging game is all about.

With the "Mind of a Doctor and the Heart of a Healer", I put my Soul in what I do and I´m passionated about the Human Nature.
I Love Diversity as a way to discover the Holistic Art of Helping One Another!
My therapy Philosophy is a fusion between West and East, Science and Art and my Development as a therapist is a reflexion of it.
I graduated in Physiotherapy in 2007 and I have been working with Massage and other Manual Therapies ever since.
I've just started to Explore my Own Vision of Healing Art.

Violet Flame Mobile Solutions is  a New Stage of Self Discovery and Personal Grouth.

Violet Flame
The Alchemy of Self-Transformation through Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness.
The Violet Flame Transmutes into Positive the negative elements within ourselves.
Transforms fear into Courage, axiety into Peace and hatred into Love

"I AM a being of Violet Fire, I AM the purity Gods desire"

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